EcoCenterhhp – EA1 Slot

November 12, 2018Blog
Welcome to The Eco Center at Herod’s Head Park. We are an educational facility focused on raising awareness about environmental justice, green living, and ecological balance. We are stewards of this planet and we should know how to take care of our environment. This is a place where you can know more about how to take care of our planet. The Eco Center at Herod’s Park conducts lectures about different topics concerning our planet such as climate change, proper waste disposal, waste segregation, composting, water and air quality, green living, biodiversity, environmental laws, and sustainability. We hold classes for children and adults. We also arrange tours around the Eco Center so that visitors who have gone out of their garage doors in Nevada can know more about the facility and the sustainable systems that we have here. The building where the Eco Center at Herod’s Head Park is a model of green architecture. It was certified by the U.S. Green Building Council and we are proud to share with everyone that we were given the highest rating of Platinum in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This signifies our commitment to take care of our environment. We make sure that what we offer and what we do are exemplary models of environmental awareness that would lead to better stewardship of our planet. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS Our team at the Eco Center at Herod’s Head Park makes sure that we practice what we preach. Since we have been given stewardship over our surroundings, we have made it a point to take care of San Francisco’s Bay Area and its surrounding landscapes. We do regular coastal cleanups and tree planting. We mobilize our volunteers to help us maintain the cleanliness of the San Francisco Bay Area. We coordinate with city officials regarding environmental protection to ensure the sustainability of the transformation of this once polluted area. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS The Eco Center at Herod’s Head Park leads a group of volunteers in conducting coastal cleanups and tree planting. Those who are interested to volunteer for our coastal cleanups and tree planting activities can get in touch with us at We ask our volunteers to bring your own sacks or bags and gloves. Wear sunscreen to protect your skin. It would also help to wear comfortable clothes and shoes and do not forget to bring your reusable water bottles which you can refill at designated areas. Please check our calendar for the schedule of the cleanups and tree planting. CELEBRATE THE ENVIRONMENT The Eco Center at Herod’s Head Park organizes different events to raise the consciousness of the public regarding the importance of taking care of the environment. We understand that not everyone can attend our tours and lectures so we make sure that we are able to reach out to more people through the events that we organize. We have the annual Fun Run for Mother Nature, green markets, green fashion show, and other fun and exciting activities for everyone.

November 12, 2018Blog
We invite everyone to watch the Earth Dance at the Eco Center at the Heron’s Head Park. This will be held on Earth Day, April 22 at 8 am. This year ’s theme is Earth, Wind, and Fire: The Elements That Define Us. Earth Dance is an annual tradition of environmentalists all over the globe to raise awareness regarding the importance of taking care of our environment. Earth Dance collaborates with major music, art, cultural, deep ecology, and environmental movements, indigenous people, and spiritual leaders. This year’s theme fuses the elements of festival culture and conscious entertainment with the worldwide movements of peace and sustainability and synchronized prayer/meditation practice. This tradition was originally conceived back in 1990 with a vision to unite the whole world in taking care of Mother Nature. It is a peaceful platform for culture, art, dance, and music. Earth Dance is currently the largest global synchronized music and peace event in the world, held in over 500 locations across the globe. The main feature of the Earth Dance event is a simultaneous bond and connection up among thousands of people in every location across the world who will participate in a coordinated and harmonized prayer for peace and ecological justice. This is considered a significant and powerful moment that brings together all of our intentions and raise collective consciousness for world peace and healing of our lands. We aim to ground our vision of creating a new eco-cultural sphere of abundance birthed by a reconnection to our land, to our ancient culture’s primacy of music, art, and dance, and to our true identity as a people, while honoring our past heroes, inspiring an awakening of the hero within. Join us in this profound experience of art, culture, music, dance, ceremonies and green awareness to nurture the earth, mind, body, and spirit. Let us all campaign for ecological justice for the elements that define us show our level of stewardship over all of nature.

November 12, 2018Blog
May it never happen that future generations do not get to see the natural beauty of this world. We have a very beautiful world that we live in. The beauty of nature is indeed captivating. The mountains, the seas, the fields – Oh what a joy to see them all! It would be unfair to future generations if they will not get to see all these beauty, if all they would see is just a replica of what was once lovely and real. It brings me sorrow whenever I think that they would not witness the beauty of a grand mountain standing high and tall, covered with majestic rocks and greens. What a sad thought it is if they will not get to experience splashing and swimming on a cool and clean lake. They will not get to experience the joy of fishing or just seeing the fish jump out of the water. It is a sad thought indeed if they will not have the chance to climb a tree or smell the flowers. It seems far out now that these things would happen but if man continues to abuse Mother Nature for his own selfish interests, then I am afraid this is what the future holds. There are companies who keep on mining in the mountains and when they are done with them, you will see that the mountains are already bare – the greens have been replaced by blacks. Water pollution is killing our bodies of water. What was once a clear river is now full of garbage. There are some people who keep on cutting trees with total disregard of their importance in giving us shade and keeping our soil intact. Yes, if these actions will go on then we might have a future with no mountains, no lakes, no trees. What a sad thought it is.

Let’s Take Care of Our Planet… Now!
November 12, 2018Blog
Now more than ever, we need to exert an effort to take care of our environment. Let us do our part in protecting it from further damage and harm. Those who do not realize the severity of the problem are not aware of the disastrous effects when nature fights back against our abuse and exploitation of her resources. We have been more at risk now. We are living on the edge and on the brink of disaster. We have seen how lives are lost and properties are damaged when natural disasters strike different communities all over the world. And sadly, things will only get worse if we do not turn from our abusive ways of treating Mother Nature. Every day, we feel the effects of climate change. The hot season gets hotter and the wet season gets wetter. This changes in our climate bring different diseases and calamities. The sea level is rising and slowly claims low lying lands. These are just some of the realities of climate change. Some would say that it is the government’s responsibility to save our planet. But it is really the responsibility of each and every one of us. We do not need one big heroic act to save planet Earth (although we wish that would be possible). All we need is to resolve to take care of our environment a little better each and every day. Simple acts of green living when done by each and every one of us can make a big difference on our planet. Take for example eliminating the use of plastic in our homes. It takes a long time before plastic decomposes. Each plastic that you do not use helps our planet breathe a little bit easier. Think of what you can do to help take care of our planet and start doing it now!

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Let’s Take Care of Our Planet… Now!
Eco Center HHP
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